ABOUT | hello, Amor
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About Me

Hello there! I'm Geneva, a passionate lifestyle blogger navigating the exciting realms of adulthood, parenthood, and the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery. At the tender age of 30, life has unfolded in the most beautiful way for me with the arrival of my precious baby boy, who has added an entirely new dimension to my world.

As a lifestyle enthusiast, I believe in cherishing life's little joys and celebrating the extraordinary moments that shape our narrative. Join me on this rollercoaster ride of motherhood, as I share the highs, the lows, and everything in between. From sleepless nights to heart-melting baby giggles, I'm here to document the authentic and sometimes chaotic experiences that come with being a new mom.

Beyond the joys of motherhood, my blog is a curated space where I explore various facets of a well-rounded lifestyle. Delve into my musings on fashion that effortlessly blends comfort and style because, let's face it, motherhood demands both. Travel with me through my adventures, discovering family-friendly destinations and tips for stress-free journeys with a little one in tow.

Nurturing my own well-being is a priority, and I'll be sharing insights into how I strive to maintain a sense of balance amid the whirlwind of motherhood. Expect a sprinkle of self-care tips, wellness routines, and reflections on personal growth, all intertwined with the beautiful chaos of raising a baby.

Join me on this incredible journey as I navigate the joys and challenges of this new chapter in life. "hello, Amor" is more than a blog; it's a community, a digital sanctuary where we can connect, share experiences, and find solace in the shared joys and triumphs of this beautiful, messy, and utterly fulfilling life. Welcome to my world!

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